Phonophobia is a game made for a university assignment by my teammate and I. We go by the team name MumblingManiacs. In this game your job is to complete the allocated chores before your partner gets home to avoid getting in trouble. The chores provided have a randomised amount of components making each game feel slightly different. Furthermore as you complete the chores you must periodically check to make sure no radios have turned on, as if they are on for too long, ghosts will start to summon. These ghosts will cost you points and cause doors to shut, getting in your way. Once the timer in the top left is done, your partner returns home and your points are tallied up. Remember this game is suited for 6-13 year olds and graphics were made to be simple and entertaining, while the sound design is purposefully dumb as to get kids to laugh.

Heres a link to our Facebook page- Mumbling Maniacs | Facebook

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